2 октября 2012, 23:43

Anathema - Hindsight

«Intangible. Eternal. Without beginning nor end. The nameless, formless energy that permeates all living things. That sweeps through nature like a ripple in an ocean, sending cascades of timeless wonder through the air, on the song of a bird, the freshness of the morning air. A clear calling for our inner nature to awaken beyond our every day lives, and fears. Love is timeless, love is purity. It is the lightless light, the rays of the sunrise dancing on the surface of the sea. Love is you, and love is me. It is the deepest knowing, the serenity of being, the laughter of the earth, the limitless breath of the wind, the wonder of potential, the power of thought, the gift of life, the highest vibration, the most profound awareness… the knower. Life. Love. Infinite. within you. Now. Always.

For it is in love's gentle embrace that we come to know the space between us. A feeling deep within that not all is what it seems. that we bear witness to a magic as deep as our own, to a summernight horizon that whispers „welcome“ to your soul. And in those fleeting, trembling moments that we share between the worlds, it is enough for us to know that in each other we must care, for alive and not alone are we the children of the world, here to witness time and the unfolding miracle of the soul.

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer. There is no disease that enough love cannot heal, No door that enough love will not open, No gulf that enough love will not bridge, and no war that enough love will not throw down. It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outcome, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. And if you could love enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful person in the world.»

2 комментария

Вообще все тексты с этого альбома золотые :)
Вот еще один, к примеру (Presence):

«One has to come to terms with one's own mortality.
You know, you can't really help people who are having problems with mortality if you've got problems of your own, so you have to begin to sort things out.
And I thought I had sorted things out until I saw this little excerpt from this book which said, as far as I can remember:
»Life is not the opposite of death. Death is the opposite of birth, life is eternal"
and I thought that it's the most profound words I'd ever heard about that issue, and it really put me in peace.
I felt this wonderful stillness… and I thought «That's it!» what else is there to say?
Life is eternal, so the opposite of life is not death, but life is eternal, it has no opposite.
So what happens there is… I suppose one just remains in a state of pure consciousness.
Stillness… silence… you know, what we're looking for now, we're searching for it, or we have been searching for it, and now we have come closer to it.
And it's knowing that it's already there, there's nothing to look for, nothing to seek, it's there.
And it's going to be there all the time, forevermore.

Only you can heal your life
Only you can heal inside"
Обалденно. Есть у них ну очень душевные вещи)