7 октября 2015, 15:20
А.Н.Сухинин "НЕЧЕМ ЖИТЬ, ДУРАК! Всё, что ты ценил - ЭТО ПОЛНАЯ ТУФТА! Ты всё время жил жизнью какого-то... человека! Ты ещё не знаешь кто ты, но то, что это НЕ ТЫ - очевидно!"
«Again about sad things. Is it okay that I speak about sad things all the time?
Or not about sad things, but about what there is. And there are sad things.
There is a wonderful phrase by Kalinauskas, which his admirers repeat all the time. The phrase is „a man is made of people“, establishing a fact. (pause, smiling)
Certainly yes. When you begin to learn yourself, when your natural values become obvious, when you see, that they are natural, light and good… they are not your values.
They are yours, as a man.
But not yours as „you“.
They are yours as a man, but not yours as you,
And illusions begin crashing.
Illusions about yourself.
Illusions about the thing, that the eternal and the good concerns you in some way.
Generally speaking, you are leaving the mankind.
You are leaving the mankind, learning the human in you.
I don't know if I'm easy to understand. (pause)
But with the understanding of… not with the understanding, but with the seeing of everything, that you knew, valued, everything that was so warm, comfortable, cool… well… it's all bullshit.
People who fail to reach the end in this place… they are prevented by some eternal values, like I heard in a discussion.
Because there is nothing to live for.
It turns out, that you have lived a life of… a human life.
And this all- it is not you.
You don't know yet who you are, but you know that this is not you. Well, you can't turn away from the obvious.
And brains, these fucking brains, » if there's nothing to live for- jump (nods his head) right from this balcony. Nothing to live for, you fool!"
...That's why by this time (laughing), it is extremely important to learn «not to believe your brains».
For instance, studying their work in the process of the practice on removing the inner dialogue.
In such a way those different things are linked.
All is well, that ends well."