4 октября 2015, 10:31

А.Н.Сухинин "Джа хохочет. Ближний барьер" или НЕ2, на котором завалился якобы великий йогин дзогчен Лонгчен Рабджам, и о котором мечтают все остальные

The trouble is in scales, certainly. I.e. named rods in books, in conversations, anywhere, put:
1) something achievable
2) achievable, only devil knows when.

Even those who say that « the world is love », that is the truth, and those who hear them and begin to understand, they get in « a near barrier ».

« A near barrier », because a local life is love too.
It can be felt constantly, it is possible to feel, and it so differs from a common life, that the person understands that is everything, I have found That, that's all.

Actually the local life is surprising, extremely surprising (smiles). And they say it is also wonderful, I do not know miracles. There is thing to lose a head from.

Certainly it is great to live in this, rather than social or conceptual features.
But «I», your «I», does not have any attitude to it.


Jah laughs loudly.

Jah is You. (laughing)