1 сентября 2015, 23:02

А.Н. Сухинин "Я зря ругаюсь на народ, который неправильно идет" "Мне повезло, вам пока не везёт"

«No, I should not say such things about people, grumble about them, and so on.
At people, who are there, from my point of view… they go in some way, they remember, then they don't, I shouldn't swear, because I am lucky in my life. I had an experience, the experience of my own dream in everyday activities.

I was sitting with Mashka, talking, sitting, talking with Mashka, and I suddenly saw it as a dream. The dream of the same quality, like night dreams have, I mean, I fell into such a condition, when I see a dream, in which I function. I function quite adequately, but it is obviously by all accounts, that it is a dream. The same dream I see at night.

Well, like in a dream, I'm trying to tell Masha something — Masha, well..., I'm describing my feelings, she says — »Well I understand it, but I myself don't feel it".

It was, like it usually is with me, for about 20-30 minutes, and the thing that is left after that experience is horrible.

It is real Horror, because it became obvious for me that the previous 40 and several years — I had been sleeping, I had been sleeping and was unawares of it. Things that had happened during those years… everything was just a dream.

Well, for me it was obvious, but actually it was terrible. It is said, that people are lucky on their ways, someone falls into coma, someone wakes up in this way — that life is not what it is. Well, and this, actually, struck me all right. Well, then it got clear, that I have to do something. Mashka and me — we even went to Nizhniy Novgorod as guests, I tried to find out from the only acquaintance, who is close to such items, that know «to sleep — not to sleep» what I should do?

You are still not lucky, it is still ok with you.
16 августа 2015, 00:49

Кто тебя выдумал, звёздная страна?

Песня из х/ф «Пассажир с „Экватора“ (1968).

Кто тебя выдумал, звёздная страна?
Снится мне издавна, снится мне она.
Выйду я из дому, выйду я из дому –
Прямо за пристанью бьётся волна.

Ветреным вечером смолкнут крики птиц.
Звёздный замечу я свет из-под ресниц.
Тихо навстречу мне, тихо навстречу мне
Выйдет доверчивый маленький принц.

Самое главное – сказку не спугнуть,
Миру бескрайнему окна распахнуть.
Мчится мой парусник, мчится мой парусник,
Мчится мой парусник в сказочный путь.

Где же вы, где же вы, счастья острова?
Где побережие света и добра?
Там, где с надеждами, там, где с надеждами
Самые нежные дружат слова.

В детстве оставлены давние друзья,
Жизнь – это плаванье в дальние края.
Песни прощальные, гавани дальние,
В жизни у каждого сказка своя.

Кто тебя выдумал, звёздная страна?
Снится мне издавна, снится мне она.
Выйду я из дому, выйду я из дому –
Прямо за пристанью бьётся волна.